Know Before You Get Fined: What Happens if You Cross the "Fishbone " Lines on the Road

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(Photo Credit: toyotakan)

Have you ever wondered why some road sections have "diagonal yellow or white lines" painted in a zigzag pattern, resembling fish bones? Many people might think these are just general road markings, but do you know what these "fishbone lines" actually signify?

The fishbone lines, formally known as "stop lines at intersections," are painted on the road surface in areas with heavy traffic, such as major intersections or congested spots, to manage vehicle movement and prevent accidents. Crossing these fishbone lines is considered a traffic violation in many countries, including Thailand. Violating this rule can lead to fines or even points being deducted from the driver’s record. Therefore, understanding the importance and consequences of crossing fishbone lines is essential for all drivers.

What Are Fishbone Lines?

Fishbone lines are white lines painted in a fishbone pattern on the road at points where traffic is congested or vehicle movement is complex, such as large intersections or areas with multiple route changes. The purpose of these lines is to indicate to drivers where they should stop or avoid crossing when traffic is heavy.

What Happens if You Cross Fishbone Lines?

Crossing fishbone lines is a traffic violation under Thai traffic laws. This action can result in fines or points being deducted from the driver's record. Crossing these lines increases the risk of accidents and traffic congestion, which can cause delays or problems for other drivers.

Consequences and Penalties
  • Fines: Violating the fishbone line rule is punishable under the Road Traffic Act B.E. 2522 (1979) for disobeying road markings, with a maximum fine of up to 1,000 baht.
  • Points Deduction: Such violations may lead to points being deducted from the driver’s record, potentially affecting their driving privileges in the future if the points exceed the allowed limit.
  • Accident Risk: Crossing fishbone lines increases the risk of accidents, especially in areas with heavy traffic or complex vehicle movements.

Crossing fishbone lines is a traffic violation that can result in fines or points being deducted from your driving record. Adhering to traffic laws and prioritizing road safety are crucial for smooth and safe traffic flow. Stopping before reaching the fishbone lines and observing road markings are effective ways to avoid legal issues and enhance driving safety.

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