5 Places Where You Should Never Honk While Driving!

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Honking is one of the ways we communicate with other drivers to alert or show appreciation to one another.

However, we can't just honk at will because there are certain areas where it is inappropriate, as it can cause disturbance and pose a danger to others.

  • Residential areas between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.: These hours are considered rest time for people living in the area, and honking during this time can disturb their sleep.
  • Hospitals: Since there are many patients who need proper rest, honking inside or around hospital areas should be avoided.
  • Schools: Honking near schools can disrupt the learning environment for students.
  • Royal residences: To maintain peace and privacy, honking is not allowed in these areas.
  • Areas with "No Honking" signs: It is important to follow traffic signs to ensure order and safety.

Now that you know, avoid honking when driving through these areas and use your horn only when necessary in other places. According to the Road Traffic Act B.E. 2522 (1979), Section 14, the use of sound signals is only permitted when necessary or to prevent accidents. Honking excessively or without reason is prohibited, and violating Section 14, Paragraph 2 can result in a fine under Section 150 (1), with a penalty of 500 baht.

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