Will insurance cover an accident caused by driving against the flow of traffic?

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(Photo Credit: freepik)

Driving against the flow of traffic is a reckless and illegal act that greatly jeopardizes the safety of other road users. But if an accident occurs while driving against the flow of traffic, will the insurance help you pay for the damages?

Driving in reverse is a dangerous behavior that is common on the road. Create a risk of accidents for yourself and others on the road. which is an illegal act But in Thailand it is still common. Most of the items found are motorcycles. small oil car Makes it easy to reverse direction Without thinking about the dangers of accidents And if there is an accident from reversing? Will your insurance help you pay for your damages? Motorist has the answers for you.

According to the Thai Road Traffic Act B.E. 2522 (1979), driving against the flow of traffic is illegal under the following sections:

  • Section 41: "Drivers must drive in the direction indicated only and must not drive against the flow of traffic or in the opposite lane." Violators are subject to a fine of not more than 500 baht.
  • Section 43: "Anyone who drives a vehicle without regard for the safety or inconvenience of others" shall be punished with imprisonment of not more than three months, or a fine of from 2,000 to 10,000 baht, or both.

Apart from the legal penalties, driving against the flow of traffic also carries a high risk of serious accidents, including:

  • Loss of life
  • Severe injuries
  • Property damage

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In the event of an accident caused by driving the wrong way, the driver will be fully responsible for all damages incurred, including vehicle damage, medical expenses, and other damages. Will the insurance help pay for it?

Car insurance may help pay for damages in the event of driving the wrong way, but it depends on the type of insurance, the conditions, and the details of the policy.

  • Type 1 Insurance: Comprehensive coverage is generally provided by Type 1 insurance, including cases of driving against traffic. This means that the insurance will help pay for damages to both your own car and the other party's car.
  • Type 2+ and 3+ Insurance: These insurances offer similar coverage to Type 1 insurance, but with additional limitations: there must be a collision between two vehicles, and the other party must be identifiable.

  • Type 2 and 3 Insurance: These insurances do not cover damage to your own car, but only damage to the other party's car. This means that if you drive against traffic and hit another car, you will be responsible for all damages to your own car.

Driving Safety Tips:

  • Drive with caution and strictly follow traffic rules.
  • Absolutely avoid driving against the flow of traffic.
  • Carefully review the terms and conditions of your car insurance policy before purchasing it.
  • Choose car insurance that provides coverage that suits your needs.

Driving against the flow of traffic is a reckless and illegal act. The driver will be fully responsible for all damages caused. Car insurance may help cover the damages depending on the type of insurance, conditions, and policy details.

If you are looking for car insurance that meets your needs, contact Motorist to consult with our experts today!

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