8 Habits That Will Ruin Your Car

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Driving on the road is full of dangers, not only for ourselves but also for other road users due to inappropriate driving behavior. In addition to the risk of accidents, it also affects the lifespan of the car, causing it to deteriorate faster.

Many people have heard the warning, "Drive like that and your car will break down for sure!" But many people may not understand what kind of driving behaviors are bad for their car and cause it to deteriorate faster than normal. In this article, we will discuss 8 driving habits that you should avoid to extend the lifespan of your car.

Aggressive driving

Aggressive driving refers to driving behaviors that are characterized by sudden acceleration and braking, abrupt lane changes, and speeding around corners. These behaviors can have a significant negative impact on various components of a vehicle, particularly the brakes, suspension, and engine.

Not maintaining the car periodically

Periodic maintenance of your car is very important. Helps prevent damage that may occur. and extend the life of the vehicle, such as changing the engine oil, oil filter, checking the condition of tires, brakes, and various electrical systems.

Ignoring Car Warning Lights

Modern cars are equipped with various warning systems, such as engine check lights, battery warning lights, and oil lights. These lights are designed to alert drivers to potential problems that could lead to serious breakdowns or accidents. However, many drivers often ignore these warning lights, believing they can be dismissed or dealt with later. This dangerous habit can have severe consequences.


Hauling overloaded cargo not only compromises road safety but also shortens the lifespan of the vehicle and its components. Excessive weight puts immense strain on the engine, transmission, suspension, tires, brakes, and overall structure of the vehicle, causing these parts to wear out faster, work harder, and be more prone to damage.

(Photo Credit: freepik)

Driving through flooded water

Driving through flooded water frequently can damage your car, causing it to deteriorate and potentially endangering the driver and passengers. Therefore, it is best to avoid driving through flooded areas. If it is absolutely necessary, drive with caution and inspect your car thoroughly after driving through water.

Parking your car under the sun for a long time

The scorching sunlight not only burns our skin but also has detrimental effects on our cars. This is especially true when we have to park our cars under the sun for an extended period. Sunlight is like a silent enemy that slowly erodes various car parts, causing them to deteriorate and become less functional.

Modifying cars without considering safety

Car modifications are popular among many people. Some want to improve performance, while others want to enhance aesthetics. However, one crucial aspect that should never be overlooked is safety. Modifying cars without considering safety can have severe consequences for the driver, passengers, and other road users.


Speeding is a double-edged sword. It offers convenience and quickness, but it also comes with inherent dangers. Driving at a speed that exceeds the legal limit or the limitations of the road conditions not only increases the risk of serious accidents but also takes a toll on the vehicle itself, causing parts to wear out and deteriorate faster, potentially leading to higher repair costs.

Driving with caution, strictly following traffic rules, and respecting other road users not only reduces the risk of accidents but also helps reduce car repair costs and creates a safer road environment for everyone.

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