Things You Shouldn't Leave in Your Car When Parked in the Sun

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Did you know that leaving certain items in your car can pose a danger to both your vehicle and yourself? Today, Motorist presents a list of things you should never leave in your car when parked in the sun, so you can stay informed and prevent potential hazards. Let's see what they are.

In Thailand, where it's hot all year round, parking your car in the sun is often unavoidable. The resulting heat inside the car can damage various items. Therefore, it's crucial to know what not to leave in your car when parked in the sun to prevent damage and potential danger.

Electronic Devices

Electronic devices such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops, or cameras should never be left in a car parked in the sun. The heat can cause the batteries to swell and potentially explode, as well as damage internal components due to material expansion. Additionally, the heat can ruin screens and internal electronic chips.

Plastic Water Bottles

Plastic water bottles left in a car parked in the sun can become hazardous. The heat causes the plastic to release harmful chemicals into the water, which can affect your health when consumed. Chemicals like BPA found in plastics can lead to cancer and other health issues.

Food and Drinks

Food and drinks left in a car parked in the sun can spoil and become a breeding ground for bacteria and mold, posing a risk of food poisoning and other serious health problems if consumed.


Medications should be avoided in cars parked in the sun. The heat can degrade their quality and effectiveness, making them less capable of treating or controlling conditions effectively. Using degraded medications can be dangerous to your health.

Items with Batteries

Items with batteries, such as power banks, spare batteries, or various electrical devices, should not be left in a car parked in the sun. The batteries can heat up, swell, and potentially explode or catch fire.

Knowing what not to leave in your car when parked in the sun is crucial to preventing damage and potential hazards. Take care to manage items inside your car to ensure the safety and health of you and your family.

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Read More: Have you ever parked your car in the sun until it was scorching hot? How can you cool it down?

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