Important documents to keep in your car to avoid fines.

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Owning a car isn't just about buying it and driving; there are also other documents you need to handle and keep in your car to use in various situations.

In addition to having repair tools or spare parts in your car, important documents are equally essential. Let's take a look at what important documents you should keep in your car.

Copy of the Vehicle Registration Book

A copy of the vehicle registration book is like the car's ID card, as it contains almost all the essential information about your car. It is one of the most important documents for car ownership. However, it's not recommended to keep the original registration book in your car, as it could be lost. Keeping a copy in your car is sufficient. If you don't have it with you when asked for inspection, your car may be temporarily impounded for verification, and you could also face a fine.

Driver's License

This is another essential item that every car owner should have, as it serves as proof that you are legally allowed to drive on the road. If you don't have it or fail to carry it with you, it may be considered illegal driving, and you could be fined according to the law. Nowadays, you can use a copy of your driver's license or keep a photo of it on your phone to show to authorities.

Copy of the Car Insurance Policy

It's undeniable that almost every car owner has car insurance to cover various damages in the event of an accident. However, if you have insurance but don't carry proof of it, it may not be of much help. It is recommended to keep a copy of your car insurance policy in your car. This way, if an incident occurs, you can immediately verify your coverage with the authorities, saving time on the claims process.

Car Act (Compulsory Motor Insurance)

The Car Act is mandatory insurance that every vehicle must have. Without it, you could face a legal penalty with a fine of up to 10,000 THB, and you won't be able to pay your car tax. Therefore, it's better to keep it in your car, especially since it needs to be renewed every year anyway.

Car Owner's Manual

Many people might overlook this, thinking it's unnecessary once they know how to use their car. However, the owner's manual is still important because each car has different functions and maintenance requirements. If your car ever has an issue, this manual can be used by the service center or repair shop to ensure proper maintenance and repairs.

The car documents you might think are unimportant can be crucial in different situations. Therefore, it's best to keep these documents in your car at all times!

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